Privacy Policy
Updated December 27th, 2022.

Please read this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) carefully before accessing or using MemoryMaps (“the Site”) and any of the services that it provides, including but not limited to accessing the services, creating an account, browsing content, gathering information, and purchasing products. MemoryMaps collects information about you on the website to complete important functions that otherwise would not be possible. An example of this is analyzing information about your user posted content to provide curated content to other users. Most platforms such as ours do this for all their users, and we highly respect and value the trust that you put in MemoryMaps to handle your information. This is our public privacy policy to you.

MemoryMaps operates under the entity "MemoryMaps LLC".

By visiting and using MemoryMaps, you fully accept our privacy policy and agree to the terms and conditions we have established on how your information is handled.

What Information does MemoryMaps gather about you?

Any kind of information that you type in our website or mobile application and give to us is information that we may gather from you. This includes any content that you may generate on the app. Examples of information that we gather about you include your preferred display name, email, biography, phone number, search queries, posts, comments, and interacted content. We may also gather information about your interests, interactions, and social circles on our platform through accounts or posts that you interact with. Any kind of interaction on our application could be data we collect. If you choose to provide one, we also collect the photos that you choose to submit for your profile picture.

We may also collect your device and connection information (laptops, desktops, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) including the way you interact with our platform. Specific device and communication information may be collected, such as the type of device you have, your device token (for notifications), the IP address you are connecting from, browser software, browser version, operating system, network information, software information, and device settings. If you make a purchase or subscribe to a service in our application, we will collect data about your purchase. This purchase data does not include sensitive information such as your credit card number. Our purchases are made securely through Apple's iTunes in App Purchases.

How do we use the information that we have collected?

The information that MemoryMaps gathers assist in shaping the Site to be a better and more sound experience for you. Information is used to help personalize MemoryMaps to gravitate towards your habits and preferences.

MemoryMaps may occasionally require material to use for marketing purposes from current users. We will request a required opt-in express of consent from you before we share any personal data for marketing purposes. If you decide to not opt-in, we will not share any of your personal data and will not use it for marketing purposes. We will share your personal data with our private partners to allow the service to work properly as well as enhance your experience. For example, we share your personal data with our third-party storage providers to store your personal data for you to access next time. The public content that you post on MemoryMaps will not necessarily require an implicitly expressed opt-in confirmation for others to use for any purpose. We will however make reasonable efforts to notify you of your used public content.

MemoryMaps uses your information to assist our platform’s curated content through third-party partners on our website and mobile application by sharing the content that you create. Third-party partners are strictly prohibited from using your information other than for the services (such as content analyzing or advertisement targeting) they have agreed to execute as instructed by MemoryMaps. Any improper use by third-party partners that have access to your information is a strict violation of our policies. We will make reasonable efforts to protect your data by vetting our partners and using reputable industry standard services but will not be held liable in the unlikely case that our reputable partners misuse your data.

Your information is also used for perpetually developing MemoryMaps into a better tool for all users on our platform. The development done on our platform is usually internally executed, so we will not usually provide your information to third party services. If we do require third-party services to process your data, we will take steps to be certain that your information is used only according to the services we request. We work with your information to innovate our platform to craft better products and services to you.

Who do we share your information with?

We share your personal and public information with our reputable industry-standard third-party partners and data center hosts. Our platform is reliant on our partners to provide you with the experience we want to give you on MemoryMaps. MemoryMaps will not properly function without our third-party partners. Your information that is shared with our partners is processed for storage, analysis, and creating predictive insights.

MemoryMaps may enter into business agreements with third-party advertisers. In this case, we may share your data with our third-party partners for the purpose of providing curated advertising content to you. The information we share with our third-party partners will be attached vaguely to general demographics and will never contain specific information that could individually identify you.

Once your data is processed and stored, we may share non-personally-identifying information with advertising partners to assist in curating a better advertising experience for you. We will never share your name or personally identifying information with our advertising partners. They will only be able to retrieve this information if you decide to explicitly enter that information in a foreign link to a website outside the domain of MemoryMaps.

How do we protect the information that we collect from you?

MemoryMaps uses a variety of different protocols to protect your information from being stolen from hackers or other miscellaneous users that serve malicious purposes.
Any transmissions made to are protected with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) in a way that information that is transferred is encrypted from external malicious users parsing the transmission.

Passwords on our application are required to have a minimum of 8 characters with at least 1 lowercase character, 1 uppercase character, 1 number, and 1 special character. We recommend that you create a password with higher complexity, but these are the bare requirements.

What choices do you have when controlling the data we collect about you?

You have the option of not using or entering information into the MemoryMaps platforms. If you choose not to provide information to us, we cannot collect that information from you. This will prevent you from using certain features on our platform, such as storing information or receiving a personalized and curated experience.

Even if you do not choose to provide information to MemoryMaps about you personally, MemoryMaps may still collect general information from you. This kind of information may include your internet browser, IP address, method of search, method of entering the site, search terms you enter, pages you have visited, frequency of visited pages, browsed content, or profiles viewed. You have the choice of not visiting any part of the Site to prevent us from gathering this information. Accessing or using the site verifies your understanding and agreement to the collection of this information.
MemoryMaps may use cookies on to remember specific aspects, configurations, and settings that you previously had on the website. Cookies help to provide you the best experience on MemoryMaps, such as remembering your preferences. You have the choice of disabling cookies on our website through your internet browser; however, certain features on our website may not be available to you. You may also have a less satisfying experience when disabling cookies on MemoryMaps.

When using MemoryMaps, you have the option to edit most of the information that you enter. In the application on the “Profile” navigation tab, you have the option to edit your information and change it to what you would like. You currently do not have the option to edit your email address that you enter. This is because we require at least one reliable method of communication and confirmation with you.

Can children use MemoryMaps and its services?

The MemoryMaps platform is not for children to use. Children ages 18 and under are not allowed to use MemoryMaps unless a parent or guardian has consented to using the platform. When creating an account, the parent or guardian must create the account under their age and email. If you are currently under the age of 18 and use MemoryMaps without a legal guardian's consent, you may not use the MemoryMaps platforms and must terminate all access to MemoryMaps platforms immediately.

MemoryMaps does not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 18 without a legal guardian's consent. Our services are not intended for children under the age of 18 to use without a legal guardian's consent.

Additional Information on MemoryMaps

If you have additional questions or concerns about your privacy information on MemoryMaps, please feel free to contact us with your question(s). You may contact us by email at Our privacy policy is subject to change at any time and we will notify you of changes through the email that you have provided if you have registered for an account; however, you should still check back on our site for any alterations. If you have not created an account, we have no method of communicating to you. As a result, if you have not registered with MemoryMaps, you must review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to see if there are any changes upon every access of MemoryMaps. We hold ourselves to the standards we have presented to you and will work diligently to protect your information and provide for an excellent and unique customer experience.

All the information in this privacy policy applies to any information you receive from MemoryMaps, the services we provide, and platform subsidiaries that we own.

If you do not agree to our privacy policy, you must immediately cease all use and access to MemoryMaps.